My New Craft Room!


Ok…its not so much a dedicated room as much as a craft space on the table in the dining room of my apartment. But we can always dream can’t we? Anyway I recently got the urge to reorganize my craft area because I saw this wonderful Asker system from Ikea on Craftapoolza’s blog. As soon as I saw her blog entry, I jumped in my car, drove the 5 minutes from work to the Ikea, and bought all the stuff I needed.

After my gym workout, I rushed home and installed the system. The white eggs really are the best part of this system. They just set it apart from the others. When I have company over I will reorganize a bit and add little fake plants to the white eggs for decoration. All this new stuff was just the catalyst needed to do an entire space reorg.


I have a three drawer rolling cart that I put under my table so while at Ikea I bought some storage containers to fit inside. I also discovered that I have WAY too much bias tape ๐Ÿ™‚


I might have also caught the reorganization bug due to the new addition to the crafting space. My new Brother 1034D Serger. I will name him Overlocking Brotha – kinda like Conspiracy Brother and Smart Brother both of who are characters from the movie Undercover Brotherand my sewing machine will be known as Sistah Girl ๐Ÿ™‚ I have yet to fiddle around with it, but I did sign up for one of my notorious $5.00 class which should teach me all I need to know about sergers and then some.

With all these wonderful additions I can now say my craft space is “SOLID”!

16 thoughts on “My New Craft Room!

  1. It looks great! I think having organized (to a degree!) and beautiful space is so important to creativity. And I saw you serger in the first pic and was so excited! Please tell us how you like it!

  2. I keep driving by Ikea and longing to go inside, but I am scared. I have NO business buying organizational stuff w/o a method to the madness.

    Great 1st day at sewing class. Bought Amy Butler’s “In Stitches” too. Woot!

  3. Just wanted to do drop a note and say I just found your blog the other day and then just noticed you just got the same serger that I just ordered today! It is my first serger and I look forward to seeing how it works. I will be sure to check in to see how you like yours!

  4. Oooohhhh machines! I love machines! Singer and Brother. I currently have a Singer Knitting machine and used to have a Brother knitting machine. Two of my favs! Your craft room looks great. Tidy, and visually stimulating spaces definitely are inspiring to work in. I was wathing this yesterday,1801,HGTV_3138_5435537,00.html
    What a great makeover. Plus they even tell you where you can purchase the items

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