Aloha and Aloha!


….because I am back!!! What a wild and wonderful adventure it was. I was gone for 8 days but is might as well been months because I returned home and even my bedroom felt foreign. And OMG 😯 the bloglines were insane with 643 posts to catch up on.

I learned a lot of life lessons during this trip that I will share with you this weekend, but none were too bad. The picture above is one of my favorites from the trip as I took it with the end result in mind. I love the sepia and the added film grain treatment.

I also came back to the wonderful news that I won third place for my Weekender Bag on the Sew Mama Sew Bag Month Contest for the ‘Other’ Category!!! I was flabbergasted as the competition for every category was fierce. I won an Amy Butler pattern to add to the “must sew” pile. Woo Hoo!!! 😀

Anyway, more Hawaiian hijinx and an “8”Things meme to come.


4 thoughts on “Aloha and Aloha!

  1. I am SO with you on big coffee cups. It’s funny, DH and I were just talking about Starbucks mugs this morning! They do have the best big mugs, and I’ll tell ya, I’ve never had one chip, one crack or any other coffee mug related disaster with a Starbucks mug. Pier 1 mugs crack, Target mugs don’t tend to stand up to the dishwasher. Standing by the Starbucks mug. Worth the extra $ regardless of the incredibly cute designs. Try eBay for more of them than you can imagine. Love your blog, and your bags are TOO cute!

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